According to Autodesk, their product Fusion 360 unifies design, engineering, electronics and manufacturing to connect your entire product development process into one cloud-based platform. KnowledgePoint has succeeded in successfully implementing Autodesk’s initiative to help its partners share their certified knowledge on Fusion 360 with their learners via various workshops.
“It is a great initiative that helps a lot in promoting Fusion 360 among the academic institutions. We as a partner organization find value in this possibility as it is enabling us to get in touch with teachers and students in the universities. The students of today are the practicing engineers of the future. And it is very important that the tools of the trade are introduced to them in an appropriate way.” – AruCAD Süsteemid, Autodesk Gold Partner in Estonia.
Tõnu Leemet Ph.D. – Senior Lecturer
Dr. Tõnu Leemet is currently working as Senior Lecturer in the Institute of Technology of Estonian
University of Life Sciences. His main scientific interest lies in the areas of CAM programming, CNC
machining and aspects of quality inspection. Dr. Leemet is responsible for courses concerning the
computer-aided designing process, direct programming of CNC machine tools, CAD/CAM course
and as well for the industrial metrology course taught at the Institute of Technology.
Learn more about the institutions that were involved here:
Eesti Maaülikool – Estonian University of Life Sciences,
TalTech Virumaa kolledž,
KnowledgePoint plays a main role in the implementation of Autodesk Partner-led initiatives, and these workshops are a prime example of how KnowledgePoint’s role is key to the success of these territory’s partnerships. KnowledgePoint helps Autodesk to authorise Learning Partners who can then provide learning experiences to professionals, educators, hobbyists, and students.
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Fusion 360
Fusion 360 is the first 3D CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB tool of its kind. Autodesk has been keen to help their users learn to use Fusion 360 via their Authorised Partners in a workshop format. It is clear that learning institutions are looking to incorporate Fusion 360 into their learning curriculum.
“When we first started teaching in-depth CAM courses, the plan was to utilize several different software packages. Some world-famous brands, including Solidworks, among them. Today our teaching and learning is based mainly on Autodesk Fusion 360, due to its excellent capabilities and ease of use.“
Tõnu Leemet Ph.D.
“I would like to thank you for conducting and organizing a very interesting Fusion 360 practical training. Special thanks to Tõnu Leemet, who showed and taught our students very clearly and comprehensibly. We really liked the training. The students were thrilled. They said it was easy to follow because they have had AutoCad experience and a little bit of Fusion 360 skill too. Some even promised to use this program in their graduation theses or later in the workplace in the future.”
Veroonika Shirokova, Senior Lecturer of TalTech Virumaa kolledž